Deactivation flow

  • User experience
  • Front-end development
  • UI design



I. Problems

  1. Deactivating members manually takes significant time
  2. The brand is damaged by not allowing members to deactivate themselves
  3. Not realizing full potential of a win back rate because win back attempts are delayed via email and not in-flow
  4. 50% of our deactivation reasons are “no reason provided”, which doesn't allow us to hyper personalize our win back strategy and address issues with brand or product

II. Goals

  1. Automation for MX team + refocused attention on higher value conversations (i.e. chats with future members, fulfillment issues)
  2. Improve the overall member experience
  3. Prevent people from deactivating by providing alternatives and offering incentives in real-time.
  4. Gain better data on why people are deactivating (currently ~40% are no reason provided)
"this flow required maintaining a delicate balance: the interest of the members and the business."

III. Metrics

  1. Time saved by MX on deactivations
  2. Lower or stable deactivation rate

IV. Notes

Designing this flow required maintaining a delicate balance: the interest of the members and the business. All stakeholders agreed that forcing members to call or chat to cancel their account was a inconvenient experience that reflected poorly on the business. Some stakeholders were nervous at the prospect of making it too simple and seeing a sudden wave of attrition. It fell on me therefore, to develop a brand new flow that:

  1. Is easy to find (transparency)
  2. Provides resources and relevant alternatives to deactivation based on custom decision matrices (reward not punish)
  3. Asks for useful information like details and reasons that we could then quantify and analyze for the benefit of the business (understanding attrition)
  4. Allows members to deactivate their accounts within a minimal number of steps (stress-free, lasting positive impression)

V. Design

VI. Conclusions

  1. Saved MX team significant time that allowed them to reinvest that time into acquisition efforts
  2. Slight increase in deactivations
  3. Increase in reactivations

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