Gifting Flow Redesign

  • User experience
  • UI design



I. Introduction

This initiative was a monster. Honestly, to call it "an initiative" or feature isn't accurate- it was actually closer to 7+ concepts, fixes, new features that all belonged under the umbrella of redesigning our gift flow. While I would love to always have clearly defined and scoped features to work on, the reality often turns out to be something else. I chose this project for a case study, not because the result is super glossy or pixel perfect, but because it illustrates the design process in action: collaborative ideation, consistent feedback, iterative design. The stakeholders, feedback and ideation contributors spanned every department in our company. In order to minimize scope where possible, many of the individual components involved (selectors, inputs, etc.) were taken from elsewhere in our design system. This allowed us to focus more on crafting the flow and achieving our goals.

II. Goals

  1. Increase the number of gifts being sent
  2. Increase conversion rate of the gifting page
  3. Incentivize members to gift
  4. Increase the value of each gift


  1. Number of gifts sent per active member
  2. Conversion rate of the gifting page
  3. Adoption of the incentive (ex. discount code usage)
  4. Gift order AOV
  5. New members from gifts; conversion rate of gifts to new members

IV. Direction

  1. Let's increase the number of gifts being sent by:
    • Prompt to set up another gift order after member has completed the first gift order
    • Allow members to easily regift to the same gift-receiver
    • Better expose ship week when purchasing a gift
    • Allow members the ability to use a different payment method for their gift order
    • Expose clear transactional email management at checkout
    • Incentivize members to gift
    • Allow member to use a discount code on a gift order
  2. Let's increase the value of each gift by:
    • Allow one-click upsells on gifts
    • Allow members to gift specials

V. Sketches

VI. Wireframe

VII. Hi-Res Mocks

VI. Conclusions

  1. Number of gifts sent per active member - Increased
  2. Conversion rate of the gifting page - Increased
  3. Adoption of the incentive (ex. discount code usage) - Pushed to V2
  4. Gift order AOV - Increased
  5. New members from gifts - Increased

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