Member specials

  • User experience
  • Front-end development
  • UI design



I. Problems

  1. We have win-back promos and lead generation promos, but we don't have member promos
  2. We are neglecting our own member base when it comes to offering special, ephemeral promotions
  3. Missing revenue opportunity

II. Goals

  1. Provide members even more value
  2. Promote retention by offering deals that are sticky
  3. Charge up front for increased revenue
"a classic example of fantastic cross-functional teamwork"

III. Metrics

  1. Increased AOV
  2. Increased LTV

IV. Notes

The member specials initiative was a classic example of fantastic cross-functional teamwork. With the growth team identifying a need for up-front revenue, the marketing team seeing an imbalance in our promotional efforts towards leads and existing members, the ops team acquiring unique inventory opportunities, the product team brainstorming on the outline of a feature that could accomplish these goals and finally my designs that tied it all together. I decided that these specials would be standalone single-page UI components. Simple, focused, with a large image that allowed us to show off the products before and after.

V. Design

VI. Conclusions

  1. Significantly increased AOV
  2. Significantly increased LTV
  3. High conversion rate

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